Методична робота » Розробки уроків

«Seasons and Weather»

План-конспект відкритого уроку
з англійської мови
у 4-му класі
Тема: «Seasons and Weather»

Цілі уроку:

-     практикувати учнів в усному мовленні за темою «Пори року»;
-     вдосконалювати навички в  аудіюванні по темі пори року;
-     учити учнів читати вірші напам’ять,        
-     прилучати учнів до природи, її змін за порами року;
-     розширювати освітній кругозір учнів.

-   розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів;
-   удосконалювати фонетичні, лексичні та граматичні навички, уміння сприймати та     розуміти на слух невеличкі розповіді учнів
-   розвивати пам'ять та увагу

-   виховувати ввічливе ставлення та любов до природи, учити сприймати красу кожної пори року, бачити та розуміти зміни у природі.

                                                       Хід уроку:
1.    Організаційний момент.
Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you. How are you? Today we have an unusual lesson. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.

2.    Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
T: today we are going to speak about different seasons and weather. We’ll practice our skills in speaking and reading, listening and writing. I wish you to be calm and to work well. First, I want to show you a short video.  

Now answer my questions:
o    How many seasons are there in a year?
o    How many months are there in a season?
o    How many months are there in a year?
o    What seasons do you know?
o    What season is it?

Основна частина:

Фонетична розминка.
T: Let’s start with a short poem. ( the poem is written on the board). Read after the teacher:

                                 Spring  is  the  season
                                 When  snowdrops  bloom.
                                 When  nobody  likes
                                 To  stay  in  the  room.

Add the missing words (вчитель витирає окремі слова, учні намагаються запам’ятати і відтворити вірш).

Активізація ЛО з теми «Seasons and weather»

На дошці  прикріплені слова ( spring, green, winter, white, autumn, yellow, summer, bright).
o    name the words
o    spell the words
o    make up sentences with the words
Читання  / аудіювання

Listen to the teacher and guess what season is described.

a.    In this season the days are short and the nights are long. It often snows. The trees are white with snow. Some animals sleep. It is cold. But children like this season because they can make snowmen and sledge, ski, skate and play snowballs.  

b.    It is a very beautiful season. The weather is often warm. It is not hot. There is a lot of water in the streets because the snow is melting. Birds come back and sing their beautiful songs. The trees and grass are green. The days become longer.

c.    It is hot. The trees and grass are green. There are a lot of flowers in the parks and gardens.  They are blue, yellow, red and pink.  Children  can play outdoors all day long. They have the longest holidays.

d.    It isn’t a warm season. Sometimes it is cold and foggy. It often rains. The trees are colourful. Their leaves are green, yellow, orange, red and brown.  There are a lot of fruit and vegetables so it is a tasty season. Children begin to go to school.


1.    It is cold in summer.
2.    In winter some animals sleep.
3.    School begins in autumn.             
4.    It is hot in summer.
5.    There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in winter.
6.    It is rainy in autumn.
7.    Children have holidays in summer and in winter.
8.    Birds come back  in summer.
9.    Autumn is a tasty season.
10.    There are a lot of flowers in summer.
 T.: Children, do you know all the  months? Who can name them?

Now let’s play the game. The task is to line the months up in the correct order and to say some words about each month.  Who wants to try?
e.g. January is the first month of the year. (or We celebrate New Year in January).
       February is the last winter month.      etc.
T.: And now, months, make groups called winter, spring, summer and autumn. Your task is to say some sentences about your season.

  Закінчення уроку:

1.    Підведення підсумків.

T: Our lesson is coming to its end. Today we have spoken about seasons, months and weather. Did you like the lesson?  Have you learnt anything new about your favourite seasons?

And  I hope you have understood that everything good in each seasons, All of them are beautiful.

2.   Оцінювання

You’ve worked well. Your drawings are nice and colourful. Thank you very much.

3.   Домашнє завдання

     T: Your task is to complete the table about the seasons and the weather.

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